Intelligence on Competitor Tech Products

Your Product Team’s Toolkit for Competitive Advantage.

Our AI helps B2B tech companies stay ahead of competitor product and technology innovations with real-time intelligence and alerts.

Spade AI chat UI interface

Lead the way in AI, cloud, data,
and cybersecurity.

Understanding your competitor's products and technology innovation is key to avoiding disruption. Spade AI synthesizes documentation, release notes, press releases, news, ratings, and reviews to provide in-depth product insights.

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Discover the platform for highly technical competitor intel.

For the first time product managers, engineers, and UX researchers have detailed intelligence on competitor products at their fingertips. Learn about competitor product features, technology initiatives, and news.

Competitor Product Monitoring

Uncover the latest news and details on competitor products.

Get daily briefings of the latest news, releases, reviews, and initiatives launched by your competitors. 

Highly relevant briefings. 

We sift through the noise to deliver only the most relevant alerts you need to know - optimized the more you use Spade AI.

On topics that matter.

Full control on the companies, people, and technologies we brief you on. New competitors and topics recommended as your market evolves.

Delivered to you daily.

Receive updates delivered to your email inbox on a daily basis. 

Product Intelligence Summarized

Spend less time sifting for the data you care about.

Get the gist without combing through dozens of articles and webpages. We summarize each topic for you, so you get the key points and decide what content to dive into.

Conversational competitor research

Competitive intelligence at the speed of a prompt. 

No more waiting weeks and months for analyst reports. Ask a question when it is top of mind, and get a response with the latest data available.


Know your competitors' products better than they do.

Technology and competitive landscapes change faster than you have been able to keep up. Let Spade AI keep up on your competition for you.